A's open metaverse devlog


openvoxels renders project

I'm making videos for each of the origin city sections in the openvoxels dataset. Constructing video assets is useful to communicate the efforts in visually interesting ways, and begin to inspire others to create derivative products from the datasets.

View from the dataset.

Frame from a render.

The style of the renders is reminiscent of old school wireframe special effects in movies that featured occlusion (mostly because they were made by recording a diorama with uv fluorescent tape). It's a timeless look that highlights the whole by skipping the colors and other details. The collective build being more than the sum of the parts in some way.

Support my efforts by sending something to this address ETH(mainnet) 0x3Dc4F022614314C260a5D2EaC5D1DFAAe37f81c1